
Engineering and the World: Sciences

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

This bi-weekly period we will investigate one of the more gender neutral faculties, Science! (Is it just me, or does science with an exclamation mark immediately make you think of Bill Nye the Science Guy? Funny because he’s a mechanical engineer) Scientists are responsible for many of the new technologies that we then put into action in the world at large or at least in larger parts of the world. Often we will even work with scientists in our work teams.

Bio/Native Habitat/ Lifestyle: Science students have lives outside of school. They have a neutral position on many things and so go largely unnoticed by us engineers. There is no single hang out place where most of them can be found at any one time. Having said that they seem to divide and conquer interests wise and they do have offices in the earth sciences and chemistry building. Their C&D is located just across the breeze way in Bio 1. Physics students may also check out the physics club which has its own room and comfy couches. While the chemistry club inhabits a large room near MC. (You may know it, the window has a distinctive Einstein image on the window.) Though most science students have their eyes set on even more education to  further diversify them from their class mates the one thing they do share is a love and patriotism towards their (not so) secret science dance. This gives them a chance to celebrate their year of entry (it changes every year so the more you remember the older you are) and of course pelvic thrust in public.

How We Interact: I have heard very little of large scale engineering pranks on science, the goggles are tough to transport and let’s be honest, if we annoy them too much we will be barred from any fun explosions that might be going on around campus, and that would be a shame. (I am referring to the post Halloween pumpkin explosions using liquid nitrogen.) Science students enjoy a high compatibility with engineers due to the overlap in some courses, though their classes have a far less rigid structure. To science students Eulers number is a close personal friend while linear algebra is a nightmare they have been lucky enough to be spared from….so far

Common Areas of Interest: Schooly things, we may have it all packed in to short periods of time but science students are in it for the long run with aspirations of medical school or a PhD in their future.

Verdict: Those who study science are a unique breed of student whose schedules allow them to behave like normal people who have a full time job. Really, it’s surprising we don’t see more of science, they have the potential to be a guiding hand to us engineers in to the wiles and ways of society. If you want to learn the secret of blending in to a fashionable crowd ask science, they probably know how.

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