
Free Money!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

This term, the Ontario government has fulfilled their promise of a 30% tuition rebate program.  The actual amount available is $800 for the Winter term, and the $1600 starting in the Fall.  While $800 is far short of 30% of our tuition costs (it’s based on averages), it’s still a nice windfall for those of you who qualify.

Any Ontario residents who are less than four years out of high school (sorry those of us in 4B, we don’t qualify) and whose parent’s gross income (income before taxes) is less than $160 000, are eligible for this credit.  In future terms, they’re hoping that the credit will be applied directly to your fees on Quest, but for now you have to apply for it.  If you’re receiving OSAP loans this term, you’ll automatically receive the reimbursement.  Otherwise, you need to go to to register before March 31st to receive your share of this program.

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