Weekend Warrior

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

It has been said that engineers are an arrogant bunch, perhaps condescending and even patronizing at times. In our defense, we probably have been jaded by the massive amount of homework and the staggering number of classroom hours we endure. In fact, our cynical and yes, condescending, view of other faculties and majors…arts … is perhaps born out of a slight jealousy. But I am here to not only change the perspective towards engineers; I am here to broaden the perspectives of engineers themselves.
Although humility may not be one of our strongest traits, our love of knowledge and unrelenting pursuit to expand our boundaries has led me to a new project. Based on the same premise as World of Jenks, I will be spending each weekend with someone on the campus or in the community.
After the weekend I’ll be summarizing the weekend’s events, but more importantly, sharing what I learned from each experience. I want to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes, compare our lives, and compare what I learn to the preconceived notions that tend to plague engineers and their reputations.
I will be exploring many different topics and ways of life in an attempt to answer as many questions as I can about our community and fellow students. What is the weekend of an arts student like compared to that of an engineering student? How do student athletes manage the demanding schedule of engineering? What is it like to be a chemical engineer versus a mechatronics engineer?
As engineers it is our job to continue to push our world further, find the next best thing, and in the process better humanity. But how will we ever be able to do so if we don’t even understand our world and the people in it? We have to learn to appreciate their needs, their wants, their struggles and their victories. We have to appreciate that we all have a story, a story that is worthy and one that should be valued.
No topic, faculty, or major is off limits. The bigger the contrast the better! Now before you agree to let someone just spend a weekend with you, it only seems right that I tell you about myself.  My name is Taylor Lambert, and I am currently in 1A Nanotechnology Engineering. However I wasn’t always set on becoming an engineer; I was previously at Ryerson pursuing a degree in journalism.  I’m a local girl from Kitchener and still living at home, although I have had the dorm experience. I was a boarding school brat, but not in the typical sense. I attended an athletic boarding school in Saskatchewan to play hockey and rugby. Sports are my life, and yes I am a Leafs fan (apologies if that is a deal breaker).  Sports preferences aside, I am truly interested in getting to know my community on and off campus.
We have so much to offer each other and teach each other; I am more than ready to learn. So I am putting it out to you: if you have something to offer, something to teach, I want to learn from you! Invite me into your weekend plans and show me what a weekend in your life is like.  Challenge me, and challenge preconceived notions.
We want to share your story! If you believe that you have a story worth sharing email: iwarrior@engmail.uwaterloo.ca
See you next weekend!

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