blog, Humour

What Eng Has Been B******g About

Image Courtesy of PEImpact under fair use.

Since the start of the new term, every student, from frosh to upper years, has had strong opinions about the new term before midterms have even hit. So what have the different Eng programs been b******g about this month?

AE students have been plagued by the lack of communication resulting in incoordination between TAs and profs. They mention TAs taking up examples before the profs have taught the material, leading to everyone’s utter confusion and dismay. 

ARCH doesn’t enjoy the subjective marking on their creativity and that 30-40% of their mark stems from their note taking in class. Even first years don’t have dorms and find it difficult to find housing. And as they were shipped off to the Cambridge campus, they are unable to participate in many events and see their friends on the main Waterloo campus.

BME struggles with professors progressing slowly throughout the lecture only to rush through the majority of the new, difficult material during the last 10 minutes. This leaves many BME confused and requires much self-teaching. They mention the lessons appealing to an expert audience as opposed to the student body.

CHE has experienced similar problems to that of BME, but has also had to endure 2 classes on the proper formatting of a Word document, resulting in 5 hours of instructions on document formatting in one day!

CIVE, GEOE and ENVE have been aggravated by the need to use LYRYX for linear algebra. This software costs $40 to run on their own computers, but the alternative is to use the lab computers. Although the lab computers claim to shut off every half-hour of inactivity, in reality, they shut off every 10 minutes.

CE doesn’t like the unnecessarily difficult and complex concepts involved with classical mechanics. They also dislike that they are required to take physics and their friends in SE are not.

EE has experienced professors with great expertise in certain areas but who are stuck in their “expert mindsets”, making it difficult to teach elementary concepts such as projectile motion in more simplistic terms.

MGMT mentions people looking down on their program because they consider it to not be a real engineering degree. With classes from approximately 8:30-4:30, Monday through Friday, it is difficult for MGMT and the other engineering programs to find time to be more involved in clubs and events around campus.

MECH students speak on behalf of many students when they draw attention to the lack of A/C in residence for first years or classes being too hot/cold in various buildings across campus.

TRON co-op students dread their 30-page work term reports. They find them difficult to complete while working full time jobs. Many sacrifice quality for quantity.

NANO students, when asked about what they were afflicted with this month, had two words: “Quantum Mechanics.”

SE students are known for being less social, but perhaps it’s not their fault. SE complains about the university sending out emails for events they “can’t miss” that are all scheduled during their classes.

SYDE is tormented with technical sketches worth 25% of their final mark.

Props to all engineers! Y’all are doing great!

Image Citation

[1] PE Impact KH, Engineer in Constant Stress. 2020.

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