
Construing Construction

With winter hiding behind the cloak of fall and construction on campus nowhere near its end, Polar Express is fast approaching the construction coach already parked at the Student Life Centre, awaiting a massive collision. Doors have been barred and ‘student life’ reduced to a minimum in preparation.
Foreshadowing the rendezvous, is the first-floor hallway of Engineering 2, which itself looks like a railway platform in the making – trains from the University of Waterloo start in fall 2015… or 2016… or, never mind. Not far behind is Engineering 7, the new building being produced between Engineering 5 and Engineering 6.
The SLC/PAC expansion promises additional bookable space as well as recreational place at a small cost of $18 per term per student once the construction is complete. Come 2018, the student body may also be able to enjoy indoor access to the food-hub on campus through a link from MC to SLC, a boon on cold Wednesday winter nights. Moreover, all businesses seem to have domesticated this dusty hound and accepted it as part of the family. Behind boarded windows and “emergency exit only”s, one may still be able to enjoy the foods and services of their choice. One may let no hurdle (literally) come in the way, step over the ones that do, and factor in an extra five minutes to find an accessible entryway into SLC for lunch.
Before work on the expansion of SLC even began, the University of Waterloo witnessed the early stages of what today looks like Engineering 5.5, officially called Engineering 7. Chemical engineering students have been heard calling it their “bridge across Ring Road”. Although the building looks like it is nearing completion, casualties include a wall in E6, easy access to E6 elevators from the ground floor, and the beautiful behind of E5. This building will house the world’s only Engineering Ideas Clinic, setting a new benchmark for innovation across the globe. It will be a home to Biomedical and Mechatronics Engineering programs and provide additional space for research. With a scheduled opening in Spring 2018, Engineering 7 shows potential in terms of furtheringengineering opportunities and making space for the growing incoming undergraduate populations.
As construction makes its way around campus it is a good idea to remain in the know and plan your routes to class beforehand to optimize time. Follow this list of tips while construction is underway. Remain calm: This optimization requires no prior
knowledge of calculus. Watch your step: Construction has had no effect on the geese and there is still green goo on the ground. Safety first: First-year hard hats, albeit safe, do not give you access to construction sites. Don’t lose hope: These constructions across campus will bear wonderful fruit for all university students (graduating 2018 or later) to enjoy. If you do happen to be graduating before fall 2018, on behalf of everyone across campus, I apologize.

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