Hello devout IW readers, thanks for checking in once again this term to “listen” to me update at you. There have been a few interesting developments lately, especially with respect to JAGM, and the new motions passed there. Hopefully everyone is well rested after the long weekend, and I sure hope y’all enjoyed your Canada day, whether in celebration or just as a good Saturday!
Let’s start with that, then. At JAGM (the Joint Annual General Meeting), members of both societies gathered to vote on the motions put forward this year, some of which I mentioned in my last article. The EngSoc fee motion to increase the EngSoc fee to 16.15 was passed. The title of VP “Operations and Finance” was reverted to VP “Finance” for the next election cycle. And the joint Societies took a stance to eliminate disposable water bottles from the C&D (Coffee and Doughnut Shop found in the CPH foyer).
Follow-up on Tool keychain bottle-opener: The cost to y’all would be $15 so I’m gonna scrap the idea, and instead see if we can optimize what we had before.
Follow-up on coveralls: For those who ordered covies, updated estimated arrival date is July 20th.
I will no longer be reaching out to the local sex stores for deals as they already offer 20% discounts for students (use this information wisely). Instead, I’m hoping we can get a deal with Urban Bricks, and I’m also going to approach Shawerma Plus once it opens. I’ll let you know if I have any good news.
A patch design was selected! The Ti-83 Send Help design by Elizabeth Miller won by majority vote, so I’m going to be seeing what I can do about getting that into Novelties. Stay tuned for more info.
I presented to WEEF last Wednesday night for more sponsorship for the E7 C&D. I asked for $4000 for a fridge, so *fingers crossed* we’ll get full funding on that.
Unfortunately, the past couple weeks have been pretty quiet for me, so I don’t have anything more to share with you guys. Go out and enjoy the summer weather! I started reading the Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss and I LOVE IT.
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