
Broskies on Brewskies 8 (Season Finale)

We put off doing this issue for a while, and sadly the beer sat in my fridge for a little bit. We were planning on drinking these beers for last issues column, but Tristan got sick. We changed our plans and meant to drink up on the Thursday before Good Friday, but then we forgot. Then we decided to do it on Good Friday, but then we forgot. It’s now Easter Monday and we’re finally gonna crack open some cans and meticulously rate and analyse the fluid inside. Like fluid dynamics, but not.

We kicked the night off with Thornbury Brewing Company’s Jubilee Amber Lager, a local brew from Nobelton, Ontario. It’s been so long now that I don’t remember why I bought it. This one was a good beer to start the night off with, light and easy to drink. This would definitely be a good one to have with dinner. The most prominent flavour of this beer is bitterness, but even it isn’t very strong. We came to the conclusion that if we found this beer in the fridge on a summer day we’d be pumped, but we wouldn’t go out of the way to get it into the fridge. Overall 4 out of 5.

Next up was the Bitter Waitress Black IPA from the Shillow Beer Company up in Oakville. Totally bought this one cause of the can design. It really lives up to its name, strong, bitter and good. I like it far more than Tristan does, but both of us see the appeal of it. It’s exactly what you would expect from a cross between a fairly standard IPA and a medium weight dark beer like Killkenny. I would probably drink this again, but Tristan definitely wouldn’t. Overall we give it 3 out of 5.

I may have bought our last beer today because of a mistake. I thought that Sultana Gold, a Blonde Ale from the Lake of the Woods Brewing Company, was Santana Gold when I bought it. Whoops. It is very similar to the other Jubilee Amber Lager from earlier, just not as flavourful. It’s very unfortunate that this beer doesn’t pack a bigger punch because we like the flavour that’s there and just want more of it. Neither of us really thought that this beer was anything special. Sorry Lake of the Woods, 2.5 out of 5.

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