
MSF Hospital Bombed… Again

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

In early October, a Médecins Sans Frontières-run hospital was bombed by a US plane during a clash with the Taliban. More than twenty people were killed and many more went missing; the US said that the bombing was a mistake.

Now, another MSF hospital has been bombed in Yemen. On October 26, MSF reported that a hospital in the Haydan district was hit by missiles. Fortunately, staff and patients were able to evacuate in time and there were no deaths. However, the hospital was almost entirely destroyed. Furthermore, what is left of the hospital cannot be entered, as there remains some ordnance that has not been exploded.

MSF blames the Saudi-led coalition for the attack; the Saudis, who are intervening in the fight against Houthi rebels with a great deal of US assistance, initially denied this. However, there are now reports that the Saudis admit it was their plane that bombed the hospital, but that it was a mistake caused because the hospital provided them with incorrect coordinates of their location.

The war in Yemen has led to more than 2,000 civilian casualties thus far, with the majority resulting from airstrikes.

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