
UW Formula Motorsports

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Every year, the Formula Motorsports team designs, builds and races a formula-style race car across North America. Being one of the oldest teams at UW, we have been competing since 1987 in the Formula SAE student design competition. Most recently the team has placed 2nd in Autocross at Formula North in 2015, making our car the 2nd fastest car in Canada. We are currently preparing for an upcoming race in September at the University of Toronto Shootout.

As a member of the team, you can be involved in anything from machining parts that go on the car, to designing mechanisms for sub systems, or even driving the car! Of course, it also looks great on a resume. The experience you gain here is something you will never learn in class, but the most important things to take away from Formula Motorsports are the passion, drive and focus that govern the team’s campaign every year. The team is looking for first years interested in taking on the challenge of Formula Motorsports.

Team meetings are on Monday’s at 7 PM in E5 2004. Show up and ask questions! You can also email us at uwfsae@gmail.com

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