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Colour Team Blurbs

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Deities of Fire
Vivian, Melanie, Sarah, Patrick
Light Red Huges

Bow down to the Fire God of Orientation Week, the Light Red Team! As the gods over all other colour groups, we stand above, we hold power, and we rule over all else. The mighty Light Red Team will rise above during Orientation Week, and as part of the Fire Supergroup, we will be unquenchable. We will spread like wildfire over the Earth, rising smoke through the Air and traversing the greatest bodies of Water. But most of all, we want to empower the first years (that’s YOU GUYS!) to rise above. We want you to rule first year like you ruled Grade Twelve. We want you to get involved in clubs and teams, we want you to get the best co-op positions and we want you to understand your courses. We will make sure that you are equipped in the best way possible to accomplish YOUR goals, and burn all your doubts to the ground. To get ready for Orientation Week, come up with a fiery nickname, put a HUGE smile on along with your HUGES Patrick, Sarah, Viv, and Melanie and all of your BIGS, and get ready to have an AWESOME time!

Brendan, Jenna, Seo, Jenny
Dark Red Huges

Welcome to greatest adventure in the universe(-ity)! You are stars, and as you gather on campus to begin the battle of the elements, you will lead the fire team to victory. Stars are the mightiest and most powerful objects in existence. The very fabric of space and time are warped by us. Together, we form the galaxy known as Dark Red, and we are here to outshine the competition! Want to prepare yourself for the battle ahead? First, come up with a star/space related nickname for Orientation Week. Also think of chants and cheers that will show how powerful the stars are. Brush up on your astronomy and watch movies like Interstellar or Gravity. Bonus points if you come up with new star-themed puns. You are the all-stars of orientation week; the bravest, brightest (pun intended), and best there is. Bring your multi-tools and water bottles, and get ready to blast off into a week of exciting action!

Josh, Rhiannon, Sarbajoy, Kenneth
Light Pink Huges

Ready, set, fly! Join the Light Pink team in the vibrant and dreamy world of Kirby! It’s the event of the year and we’re taking to the air to do battle. With an occasional down smash we’ll join with all the air teams to take on the other elements and show everyone who the toughest pink puff is! We’ll have a cast of characters—both good and evil—teaming together for the greater good, at least for the week. Each of you has proven to be a valuable addition to the Kirby team. Together we’ll explore the university services and the city of Waterloo terrain to prepare you for the world of Waterloo Engineering. It’s time to get ready for an exciting week of pink fluff, engineering pride, and University of Waterloo spirit. So take a deep breath in, grab a hammer, and fight alongside us and all of Planet Pop Star in the battle of the elements!

Birds of Prey
Helena, Calvin, Trevor, Lisa
Dark Pink Huges

Ca-CAW! Fellow birds of prey, Orientation Week is upon us! Adjust your feathers, sharpen your talons, and get ready to take the week by storm. This test flight will give you a bird’s eye view of UW Engineering, university life, and the city of Waterloo as you get ready to take off on your own adventures. To prepare, you could practice your bird calls, befriend a chickadee, or swallow mice whole. We’ll need all of your predatory instincts, eagle-eyed observations, and straight up strength in top shape to pull through the gamut of Earth, Fire, and Water that awaits us. Also, come ready with your own awful birdy and airy puns. Your Huges and Bigs look forward to meeting all you happy hawks, observant owls, fierce falcons, eager eagles, awesome ospreys, hardworking harriers, virtuous vultures, and brash buzzards. Welcome to the Dark Pink flock, and remember: the sky’s no longer the limit!

Age of Ice
Hannah, Joanna, Anson, Aryn, Andrew
Light Blue Huges

Night gathers, and now your Orientation begins. It shall not end until September 13, 2015. You shall wear light blue, and you shall win the week. You are the ice in the darkness. You are the watcher in the winter. Do you pledge your life and honour to the Age of Ice for this night and all the nights to come? Welcome to Light Blue, Class of 2020! Bundle up, sharpen your dragonglass, and fortify the frozen walls. Prepare to embrace the cold, for we are the wizards, walkers, and warriors of the Age of Ice! Glacial storms rage where we dwell, and to survive here you’ll need every millimetre of your bravery and engineering cunning. Now that you have sworn the oath, you will march with us in the battle of the Elements. We will pit the forces of Ice and Water against various beings of Fire, Earth, and Air. Only one team will prevail, and the outcome is up to you. Let’s bring the winter and have some fun! Do you want to build a snowman?

Shreya, Elizabeth, Alex, Christopher, Jasdeep
Dark Blue Huges

Hope you brought your swim trunks, get ready to get wet! We are the most notorious pirates who have ever been sunk to the depths of Davy Jones Locker. All will tremble as we emerge from the depths to help our team and fellow teams prove Water is the greatest of the four elements. Join us as we defeat harrowing challenges and overcome all obstacles in our way. Our leaders are here to make sure you have the best orientation week possible. Get yourself a t-shirt, get yourself a nickname, and get hyped for orientation week! Ask questions, make friends, and make memories you won’t soon forget. Just remember, what is dead may never die, but rises again, harder, better, faster, stronger!

Ola, Kissan, Jasper, David
Light Green Huges

Two hundred million years ago, terrible lizards roamed the Earth, and held absolute power over other creatures. All that remains of these fearful reptiles is dust and bones… until now. To reclaim the mantle of all-powerful ruler of the Earth, we’re counting on you to take up the cause of the dinosaurs! To win, we must engage in a battle of epic proportions that will see the clashing of the elemental powers of Air, Water, Fire and Earth. Embrace the spirit of the Jurassic and let your inner beast come to the surface. The road to our victory is sure to be paved with glory, making the ultimate win even sweeter. Each and every one of you will have a vital role to play in the success of our team. Along the way your Huges and Bigs will be there to guide you on your quests. Remember: be strong, stay fierce, and never back down from the challenges you will face. We are the Light Green Dinosaurs! #greendinosaursarebestdinosaurs #shrekisadinosaur

Jenny, Brady, Michael, Holly, Bianca
Dark Green Huges

The violent roar of the tiger can be heard in the distance, amongst the joyful songs of birds in the surrounding area. It echoes, nearly drowning out the gentle bubbling of the nearby waterfall. Everything is peaceful once again, but this time the canopy of dark green overhead does not feel as safe. What was once a tranquil setting now holds a new potential for danger. The soft slithering of the anaconda somehow resonates as if it were another roar, and the threat of this stunning location intensifies. Deceptive in its beauty, the jungle is fierce and unforgiving. Hello Dark Green Frosh, and welcome to Orientation Week 2015! We are your Dark Green leaders and we need your help to demonstrate the power of Mother Nature! As an Earth element, you’ll need to bring the bare necessities (your strength, intelligence, spirit, and ENGenuity) to prove once and for all that Earth is the element that dominates all! Welcome to the Jungle, Class of 2020!

Looney Toons
Brandon, Steven, Benjamin and Lauren
Light Yellow Huges

Twas the night before Orientation Week, when all through campus… not a creature was stirring, not even a prof. The wifi connection was strong by the library in the square, in hopes that the Software Engineers would soon be there. The first years were nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of Orientation Week danced in their heads. And Tweety Bird in her cage and Sylvester in his box… had just settled their brains for a final full nights nap. Now that I’ve got your attention, I’d like to welcome you to the Lellow (light yellow) team! We are themed Looney Tunes, most notably the astonishing Tweety Bird. Prepare your mind and soul as we are about to embark on a week long journey of fun packed days, sleepless nights and tons of good times. Together with your fellow Looney Tunes pals we will fight tooth and nail (literally and figuratively) against the other colour groups to win the battle of the elements! This will be a week to remember and we’ll be right by your side to guide you through the best week EVER. As Bugs Bunny would say, ‘that’s all folks! And see you in September’.

Adele, Rachel, Mariah, Ankit, Puneet
Dark Yellow Huges

Picture yourself in the middle of the Sahara, with no idea how you got there. All you have on you is a cutting edge music player… curious, you play the song….when suddenly the sand around you begins to swirl! You rise to the top of the sand dune, carried by the wind and sand below you. You stay afloat this incredible sandstorm for what seems like an eternity. It’s then that you remember your music player. The song that’s playing? It’s Darude, welcoming you to a week of fun, community, and ultimately starting you on your journey as an Engineer at the University of Waterloo! As a member of the Sandstorm family, you’re not just a single grain of sand – you’re part of a great big dune of engineering students that cheers, purposely dyes themselves purple, and believes that duct tape is the answer to all problems. Since you’re among the brightest students around the world, we’re depending on you to help us weather the storm that is Engineering O-Week. Let your creativity and knowledge soar with you this Fall! If we all put our grains together, there will surely be success! Orientation 2015—so winderful you can’t sand it.

Lava Golems
Dane, Michael, Jennifer, Woo
Light Orange Huges

Hello, class of 2020—we’re glad you could join the hottest team in all of Waterloo Engineering Orientation week! We, members of the Light Orange (or L’Orange, for those of you in touch with your French side) Lava Golems, have been biding our time at the very base of the mountains to take the week in a volcanic fury! You’ve been selected to join our ranks thanks to your raw strength and burning passion; with you, we’ll be able to smash through the competition and rise as victors. However, we won’t be alone—the other fiery teams will also be joining us to prove that we’re the best element! There are some things you can do to get ready for the week: think of some clever nicknames and make up some cheers to have our team stay pumped (if you can think of anything that rhymes with orange that isn’t door hinge, kudos from us)! The other teams are fierce, and we’ll be needing your help to prove to the others that we are, in fact, the hottest team out there! We’ll see you soon!

Checlsea, James, Janna, Sabrina, Taylor
Dark Orange Huges

Smaug, Toothless, and Maleficent are just a few of the creatures you will find in the lair of the Dragons. Visit our nest and be greeted by a species so incredible that it was once thought to be mythical. Fire-breathing and filled with confidence—don’t be too intimidated—these mystic animals can play friend or foe. Gentle giants to those with the gift of Fire, but all else beware! When provoked, the Dragons’ massive presence will be your demise. Although not a member of the Air tribe, with our majestic wings we will take to the skies. Our clan hails from all corners of the earth: from the Wizarding World and the Viking lands of Scandinavia to ancient Japanese landscapes and the rolling hills of Middle-earth. But our diversity only makes us stronger; each dragon bringing his or her experiences, skills, and talents. Together we have the power to dominate the Orientation Week Kingdom.

Journey to the Centre of the Earth
Farwa, Millin, Don, Melissa
Light Brown Huges

Welcome, first years, to the greatest adventure of your lives! You are about to embark on a journey to the most exotic place ever discovered by humanity; welcome to our “Journey to the Center of the Earth”. Welcome to Team Light Brown! Prepare yourselves to battle through the forces of nature. Expect to encounter every element, especially rain and mud. Watch out, for there are all manners of beasts and creatures lurking in the strange places that will have to travel. You will be tested, and will need to muster all of your creativity, teamwork skills, and ENGinuity to overcome the trials and tribulations of the week. But never fear – you won’t need to do it alone. Over the course of Orientation Week, you fresh-faced explorers will master chants and cheers, navigate the treacherous landscapes of the university, and do everything you can in order to come out on top. Together with your seasoned guides (us, your Huges!), you will make it through your great Orientation Week adventure and be victorious!

Laurences, Krisztian, Sophie, Daniel
Dark Brown Huges

Fee Fi Fo Fum, we smell some first year engineers who want to have fun! As you may have noticed, our theme is Giants, representing Dark Brown! We are led by Huges Daniel, Krisztian, Laurence, and Sophie. We represent all things tall and menacing, and are waiting to stomp through campus and assert our presence as the masters of all the other, tinier teams. Along the way, we’ll learn about life at Waterloo, get used to all that the campus has to offer, meet people from around the world, and most importantly, battle other engineering teams in a wide variety of tasks to see who will be crowned champions of the week! They better have a crown big enough for us!

Coral Reef
Rhiannon, Patrick, Victoria, Katherine
Light Purple Huges

Take a dive into the sea and explore the beauty of the coral reef! Clown fish, jellyfish, sharks, dolphins, crabs, mermaids, and many other critters have found there home in Light Purple and we want to welcome you to our family! Together we will go on adventures that will create memories that can last a lifetime, like those of Finding Nemo and the Little Mermaid. Our experienced team of coral reef and whale talking experts have travelled far and wide (Bob’s Fish Mart, Pet Place, Fish-O-Rama, eBay, and Bikini Bottom to name a few) to arrive here in Waterloo. With your help and our combined skills, spirit, enthusiasm, and talents, we’ll make it through every obstacle together! We can’t wait to meet everyone’s smiling faces! And remember folks: we are nice sharks, not mindless eating machines. If we are to change this image, we must first change ourselves. Fish are friends, not food. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming!

Connor, Elizabeth, Jared, Patricia
Dark Purple Huges

Ακούσατε! (Pronounced A-koo-ssa-teh, Greek for Hello!) Welcome to the wonderful city of Atlantis. Here, you’ll find the best orientation leaders the Engineering faculty of the University of Waterloo has to offer. You’ll also meet the best and brightest incoming students that will be your classmates and cohorts for your stay here at the university. We plan on sinking the other teams and conquering the whole week! This means we’ll need all of you to be ready to flex those ENGinuity muscles. As we ride into battle on Poseidon’s great seahorses and clash with our enemies, tridents in hand, none will be able to withstand the flood of our hoplites! First, we will train you in hoplimachia, where you’ll earn your amour, the coveted Engineering Hardhat. Then, we will compete against the other teams in a test of engineering like no other. Like the Trojans, we’ll build great machines of war and square them off against other teams. Finally, we will prove our worth as explorers and conquer the night itself. Board our triremes and set sail into a great week full of adventure! Looking forward to rising our voices in cries of victory.

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