Tin Soldier

For Science & Beyond

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

*** The Tin Soldier is intended to be a humorous and entertaining look at issues and events at the University of Waterloo. As such articles should not be taken to represent real events or opinions, and they should not be associated with the University of Waterloo staff or administration in any way. Any similarities to real world events, people or corporations is purely coincidental – or non-coincidental but meant in an entirely joking manner.***

Komrade Vladimir Putin has been chosen for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Following his recent actions in instigating conflict in Europe, particularly his annexation of Crimea and appearance at the G20 summit with an armada of warships, the committee has decided his actions are worthy of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. Vladimir Putin has obviously shown his true intentions in this recent actions, although greatly misunderstood at first.

If everyone in the world would take a moment with the Committee and focus their intentions for just a moment at the past 100 years we will see clearly the intentions of Mr. Putin. The turn of the 20th century featured numerous conflicts across the world from the second Boer War to the Russo-Japanese War. The turn of the century was driven by conflict, change but most importantly scientific advancement! Moving forward a few years, we see the First Great War—the so called War to end all Wars. We saw a great push in industrialism to cope with the increased need for armaments and the desire to have the upper edge against foreign foes. Development in telecommunications, the advancement in aviation, and the continual push for refrigeration and preservation was ever present! The war spurred an advancement in science, although a terrifying one.

The same now can be said about the Second Great War, from nuclear weapons to modern espionage. The war saw further rise in naval advancements that greatly influenced our marine research in the modern day. Who can doubt the change in the way information travelled across the world with further advancements to mass radio and propaganda? From bullet-proof vehicles to planes soaring into heights never seen before, the industries flourished. It will also be ignorance not to mention the fact that it was the war that brought the world out of the Great Depression which plagued most of Western Civilization!

There is little doubt that, although terrible, the research conducted by both sides of the war spurred on technological advancement and prowess! Our knowledge of nuclear fission and plastics have never been pushed further than by totalitarian or capitalist regimes for the advancement of their own empires. The increased pressure from rising super powers and the threat of war can turn the gaze of political masterminds to the world of scientific advancement.

The cold war which haunted the world for decades saw a glorious scientific revolution. The great superpowers turned their gaze at the stars that will bring them and the Committee glory. Who can question the advancement in aerospace research and the glorious space race that occurred in those years? From the astronauts of the west to the cosmonauts of the east, whether of the Americas or the USSR, the advancement for the cause of science was a wonder to behold! The progress of satellite technology and rocketry was unparalleled and never seen before.

The age of computers and the dawn of a technological empire was the brain child of a conflict between competing powers. To look upon the rising sun, and realize the need for advancement spurred on the continuous and growing funding for research. These conflicts of the past have pushed the human mind to fight for the edge; the catalyst for a new world of science.

Let us bring ourselves to the present day; Vladimir Putin of Russia realizes the potential hidden behind conflict. He knows that for the towers of science to pierce further into the realm of the space and sky there must be war. The ex-KGB agent knows well the secrets to unlocking the next Obelisk pointed to advancement lies in the creation of further conflict. He seeks to recreate the horror and the driving power that lies within the depths of human nature. The instinct and will to advance! In recognition of this cause and willpower for the honour of Science, the Committee is willing to stand by and grant him the Nobel Prize for Chemistry.

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