Tin Soldier

EngSoc Doubleplus Ungood

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

This society is a perverse and twisted delusion, a mockery of the truth that humans were meant to live! We toil and drag these chains in a hypocritical hierarchy of upper and inner party members. We throw our lives willingly into the tendrils of this so called civil society! Look around you and see the propaganda that is forced down your throats! You are forced awake day by day only to be screamed at to close your eyes. In every moment and every glance all you see is a misshapen thought and a guillotine threat.

Open your eyes and see the world, look at the lies that you are drowning in. This is not reality, but a hellish nightmare concocted by what we call the Inner Party, the heads of the Lernean Hydra that devours our every free thought.  Do not be swayed by their harsh recreations of reality and see the truth hidden beyond this veil! Join the rebellion, down with the party!

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