
Ontario Young Professional Engineers Award won by Waterloo student

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

This year’s OSPE (Ontario Society of Professional Engineers) award for accomplished professional engineers under 35 was won by Faizul M. Mohee, P.Eng., PMP®, LEED® GA, M.E.Sc., a PhD student in Civil Engineering at the University of Waterloo. According to OSPE, “the Young Professional category recognizes an exceptional OSPE volunteer who has served as an advocate for the engineering community through various roles during academic studies and following graduation.” According to Mr. Mohee (P.Eng., PMP®, LEED® GA, M.E.Sc.), this award is “more than just money.”
Faizul M. Mohee (P.Eng., PMP®, LEED® GA, M.E.Sc.) is doing his PhD in Civil Engineering, with a major in Structural Engineering. He earlier finished his masters degree at U of T. Furthermore, he is also a licensed Engineer, Project Manager, and LEED Green Associate in Canada, which explains his wanton use of the alphabet. He started his PhD in Waterloo in January 2013 with the late Professor Khaled Soudki. Currently, he is working with Professor Adil Al-Mayah (Civil Eng.) and Professor Alan Plumtree (Mechanical Eng).
Mr. Mohee (P.Eng., PMP®, LEED® GA, M.E.Sc.) was also delighted to be congratulated by some federal MPs, one of whom who paid him the singular honour of mentioning him in a monthly newsletter. Not to be outdone by politicians, we also congratulate Mr. Mohee, (P.Eng., PIMP®, LEED® GA, M.E.Sc.) on his achievement. We predict that he will go far, due not only to his long list of achievements (and it is indeed staggeringly long; check him out on LinkedIn), but also due to his indefatigable self-promotion. We can all take a lesson from the proactive route Mr. Mohee (P.Eng., PMP®, LEED® GA, M.E.Sc.) has taken in getting his name out there.
With unabashed self-confidence that is rarely seen, Mohee (P.Eng., PMP®, LEED® GA, M.E.Sc.) has expressed a hope that his achievements will “inspire” current Waterloo undergrads, and has been eagerly forthcoming with information. Thank you very much, Mr. Mohee (P.Eng., PMP®, LEED® GA, .Sc.).


  1. Marina

    This is really inspirational! Great work, Faizul!

  2. Saad Ibrahim Sherpao

    Unbelievable !

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