
Impact with Input: Time for Course Evaluations

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Course evaluation packages have been sent to your professors and instructors, who have been asked to bring them to class between March 10 and 21, 2014. Student representatives will be called upon to distribute one questionnaire to each student in each class, collect them when they are completed, and deliver them to the EngSoc office. Your Course Critiques Directors will work with student volunteers to prepare the packages for computerized scanning and processing. It’s a process that has been repeated every semester for over 40 years. And yes, it’s quite a big undertaking, but it’s one we believe is well worth it.

On the day after grades are due, a package is mailed to each course instructor with a summary of the numerical data as well as the original completed questionnaires so that they can read the comments you’ve written on the back. The numerical data is also used to prepare summaries for department chairs and entered into a database that the Associate Dean, Teaching uses to inform course improvement efforts. The data is also posted online so that you and future students may review the results.

A new feature has been added to the Engineering Teaching web site. A teaching award nomination form is now available for students who want to support the nomination of an excellent instructor for a teaching award. Visit to access the form (login required).

Your thoughtful and candid responses to course evaluation survey questions have a big impact. Instructors rely on your feedback to help improve their teaching. The faculty and departments use your feedback to make tenure and promotion decisions. Your feedback helps the Associate Dean of Teaching to gauge how effectively our teaching supports our students.

Thank you for your time, your feedback, and, most importantly, for your continued support of this longstanding and valued process.


Bjorn Dawson, Course Critiques Director

Madelaine Liddy, Course Critiques Director

Gordon Stubley, Associate Dean, Teaching

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