Tin Soldier

PCPs are good for you (just like vitamins)

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.


What could be better than a PCP? Nothing, that’s what! PCP can be absorbed in so many ways to feed the psyche. One might say that you could mash it up and stick it in a stew of other eyebrow-raising topics of discussion. Hey, we might as well add a dash of PCP dust into our everyday conversation. You and I both know that sprinkling some of this point-counterpoint goodness into your Wednesday is what separates  “what” in WTF and hump day. In fact, why don’t you spray some of that good stuff on a good old Canadian maple leaf, roll it up, and inhale that saucy fusion of unique perspective.

Let’s throw a puppy in the mix. Wouldn’t you want your puppy to be in a state of perpetual bliss as it sees itself finally catching his own tail with its waking eyes? Even more so when, in actuality, his tail is too small (stubbly, more like) and impossible to physically catch? What’s good enough for your puppy is good enough for you too, right? Let’s take a ‘dip’ into the peaceful opinion that is the point-counterpoint.  As a Canadian, you’re used to the numbness in your extremities that the cold gives you; in fact, you probably enjoy it now as it reminds you of how uniquely Canadian you really are. What makes a PCP such a welcome administration into your being is how well it fits and understands the student mind. As an engineer, your dose of PCP will re-enact those skewed feelings of body image, paranoia, and depersonalization that was so prevalent during high school. Wouldn’t you, as an old soul, want to relive the good old days?

Now, after talking about PCPs, it seems like I need a good shot of it right now as to get me through writing all the things bad about PCP (of which there are none). Here we go… reading about iClickers and how relevant they are to our education makes me think of laser pointers. Laser pointers being pointed at things are the reason why I made a deal with Jupiter to ensure my future as a girl (and not a boy) in engineering.  The iClicker: my own laser pointer I can press in class that has zero chance of blinding people. I go PEW PEW with my laser iClicker because I’m Luke’s German father and am allowed to use lasers. Hey!  If I take my puppy (who has a small tail) and point the iClicker at his tail, would he catch it now? Mind blown!  I collect lasers like I collect rainbows. I can make a double rainbow with my lasers. If I ask Jupiter nicely, will he turn me into My Little Pony? No, my fish friend says I can’t be a pony because I can’t swim. I know! I’ll be a unicorn. I’ll attach the lasers to my horn and fire rainbows out of them!  I want Skittles now. I’ve found my true calling! I’ll be the unicorn that fires Skittles like machine guns on the world much like Hades fired Pain and Panic. I don’t feel pain. I’m numb. Ha! Those bubbles look like Smurfette being really mad when Smurf lied about using a condom.



Editor’s Note: Miz Taken cannot write the other perspective for this topic as she’s busy rebooting herself using her bellybutton.

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