
Ceasefires, Abortions, and Pharaohs

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

A Fragile Peace Falls on Israel-Gaza

A ceasefire has been reached in yet another chapter of violence between Israel and the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip. A fragile peace settled on Gaza and Israel last Thursday after five days of Israeli airstrikes and Palestinian rocket strikes that left 160 Palestinians and six Israelis dead. The battle was yet another display of Israeli military dominance, with its multi-billion dollar Iron Dome intercepting a large majority of Palestinian rockets and its air force quickly decimating Hamas strongholds and weapons depots. The ceasefire remains fragile with some radicals in Palestine continuing to fire rockets into Israel and attempts by a large group of Gaza residents to cross the Israeli border ended in bloodshed, with one fatality. The ceasefire and further military action hinges largely on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s resolve as he faces an election next winter, one that he is expected to win. However, with only 50% support from the Israeli population for the ceasefire and the possibility of further rockets causing increased pressure for a ground invasion, the future of peace in Israel and Palestine remains uncertain at best.

Irish Abortion Laws Brought into Spotlight After Women’s Death

In a tragic series of events, 31-year-old Savita Halappanavar died in an Irish hospital on October 28th from blood poisoning after being refused an abortion despite doctors informing her a week earlier that her baby would not live. The predominantly Catholic Republic of Ireland has some of the most restrictive abortion laws on the planet, virtually outlawing abortion in all cases, with some ambiguity surrounding the legality of abortion when the mother’s life is in danger. The lack of explicit legislation allowing for abortion in these cases is what kept doctors from aborting her child until two days after the heartbeat of the fetus had stopped, and what allegedly led to the death of Halappanavar. The death has caused a large stir of opinion in Ireland, with large scale protests and a government-led inquiry soon to follow. However, Halappanavar’s husband has refused to cooperate with the inquiry, insisting that widespread support for anti-abortion legislation in the country will create bias in the investigation and fail to clarify those responsible in the death of his wife.

Egyptian President Dubbed “Pharaoh” as Presidential Powers are Expanded.

Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi issued decrees that have prompted violent protests throughout Egypt.  His decrees have granted him sweeping new powers which have caused him to be branded as an autocratic “pharaoh”.  These new decrees state that any decisions and laws created by the President cannot be changed or appealed by the courts or any other body. They also state that no judiciary body can dissolve the upper house of parliament or the assembly that is drafting the new constitution.  The President can also take any measures necessary to prevent threats to the revolution.  Finally, the decrees include the creation of a new judiciary body that will retry former President Mubarak and other officials for the deaths of numerous people in last year’s protests.  The lower house of the parliament was deemed void and disbanded by the courts earlier this year.  Both the upper and lower houses were dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood, of which Morsi is the former leader.  Numerous groups have also withdrawn from the constitution assembly recently due to Islamists dominating it and refusing to compromise. Some groups claim that the new constitution may end up being worse for women’s rights and freedom of the press than before the revolution.  President Morsi stated that the decrees are meant to speed up the process of restructuring the country and are only in effect until the constitution is created and a new parliament formed.  The decrees come in the wake of international praise that Morsi has received after brokering a ceasefire between Israel and Palestine.

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