The Short Short Review: Kiwi!: The Little Bird that Could?

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello readers and welcome to the final edition of The Short Short Review this term! Just as a reminder, in this column I attempt to review a short film or story in a really short number of words. This week I’ll be reviewing the short film, Kiwi! In 310 words because the film, with credits, is 3 minutes and 10 seconds long.

Before we get into the review, time for some background on what this movie is about. Kiwi! was a Master’s Thesis project created by Dony Permedi. The film tells the story of a little bird who has no wings and wants to fly. Any more will ruin it so I’m going to move on to the actual review for everyone’s sake.

The story is cute, emotional and filled with a few surprises for a movie with no dialogue and minimal sound effects. Speaking of sound, the soundtrack of the film is fantastic. The soundtrack, which features a lot of tuba, has plodding but bouncy, playful feel to it and really suits the story.

The animation in the film is impressive for an amateur film. The little bird displays immense levels of emotion and the trees in the film pop. Special kudos to the end of the film (which I will leave details unnamed for) for a beautifully animated ending that has some impressive fog effects.

Overall, I give Kiwi! four little birds out of five for surprising me.

Well, that was one of the shorter reviews I’ve written this term but it leaves me some space to wrap things up for the term. Hopefully this column has been an entertaining experience this term for everyone involved. Hopefully you’ll see more of this next term with new, mildly interesting and crazy short films, stories, poems and maybe even a game or two. Until we meet again keep short short!

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