
Point: The proposed FedS building on Grad House Green

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

It has to be recognised that as our campus and our student population grows, we are going to need more student space and more study space. FedS has announced potential plans for a new building to be built on Gradhouse Green in the corner nearest to RCH and Physics. This new building could meet the needs of future students for space for services, food, study rooms and club space. Some would argue that we can simply gain this new space by using existing buildings more efficiently, but the fact is that we do not have a history of using the buildings on this campus to their fullest extent. If future generations of students are going to have enough room to run their clubs, study, eat and worship, then we need a new building.

The location of the new building is also important. The common complaint regarding the existing Student Life Center (SLC) by engineering students is that it’s “too far”. It probably takes a full ten minutes to walk from most engineering buildings to the SLC, and as the campus expands in the direction of E5 and E6, it will take even longer. Having a new student building closer to us will not only make it easier to access FedS services, it will also encourage more engineering students to mix and mingle with the rest of our wonderful student population. The expansion of the campus makes it difficult for our student body to feel unified; this new building may help fix that.

Although a new building always represents a significant cost, the FedS report outlines that the cost of the new building will be covered by the services using it and even private funding is being researched which should help reduce the cost to students even further. It’s these new generations of students who will be paying for the new building anyway so there is no reason current students should be worried. It is important to remember that the decisions that we make will probably only minimally affect us, but they will affect future generations.

The businesses and services inside the building have also been picked for the benefit of all students. This is a building for students and therefore it is important to take into account our very small wallets. FedS seems to have done so and the report implies that some of the space will be occupied by cheaper student necessities such as a dollar store and affordable food outlets.

FedS will have to answer questions as to how some of the services and offices which are located in the SLC at the moment will be redistributed between the new building and the SLC. Part of the report published by Feds mentioned that some of the space in the new building will be used for offices and clubs currently located in the SLC. It is also important that the vacated space in the SLC be used effectively. Although the hub of student life will be split in two separate parts geographically, it shouldn’t prevent FedS from operating effectively and reaching out to all students on campus equally.

As this building will be at the core of the campus, construction traffic will undoubtedly be an issue for students. However, this is a price to pay for a new building and, as the mostly recently opened Quantum Nano Center showed, even five years of constant construction at the core of the campus can be survived (and lead to an amazing building). In the presence of the new beautiful and technologically-advanced buildings on campus, the SLC is beginning to look old despite its refurbishments. A new, more naturally-lit, comfortable, and environmentally-friendly building would represent our student population the way we want to be. If the construction of the building is well-timed and well-planned, it will minimise the disruption of traffic and provide us with a wonderful new building.

The Feds report outlines the importance of maintaining the limited amount of green space that we have left on campus. It is true that Gradhouse Green serves as a wonderful space to casually meet friends, to hold orientation week events and even for studying. It is one of the last remaining green spaces on campus; however, the plans for the new building seem to promise that it will add a new green space on campus by adding an accessible rooftop garden. The new building also promises plenty of social spaces which, if well-planned, could become great ways for students to gather casually or meet new people.

Overall, the news of a new student building on campus is great. Many questions still remain to be answered but they will be answered with the input of students. It will help connect with more students. Although it’s difficult to please everyone, if the current recommendations for the new building are adhered to, the majority of the student population should be able to benefit from the majority of the building. Hopefully, at the time of the referendum in the Winter term, all students will be able to form an educated and positive opinion of the new building.





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