Unsung Heroes: Northstar, The First Gay Superhero

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Usually my columns are about heroes that are under-appreciated or made fun of because of their powers or status. They are usually great heroes in the world of comic books, but there are heroes that are powerful enough to change the world of the reader. One particular hero changed not only the world of comics forever, but has been a beacon of hope in the media. This week’s article focuses on the awesomeness that is Jean-Paul Beaubier, a.k.a. Northstar, the first gay superhero.

Northstar was originally an Olympic skier for Canada when one day he found out he was actually a mutant with the ability to fly at the speed of light and enhanced strength and senses. Upon discovery of this power he found the sport of skiing too boring and decided to fight crime and eventually joined the first Canadian superhero team Alpha Flight. Becoming one of the teams most famous characters, and the most powerful, Northstar truly made his mark in the Marvel universe. After constant battle with villains, Northstar eventually saw that he had no real fear except of himself. He saw that if he were to be a true hero he could no longer hide from his true emotions, and he wanted to the world to know what he was and he would no longer be ashamed. He was the first hero in comic book history to finally say the words “I am gay”.

The outing of Northstar started a movement. Many heroes started to admit that they were gay, and  that Northstar was their inspiration. Even in DC comics, gay heroes started to pop up and proudly announce they were gay. However comics took a turn for the worse. Writers started to portray gay heroes and villains in a horrific light. They were portrayed in gruesome deaths, brutal beatings, and portrayed their sexual orientation as a negative light. Some of these heroes include Ice, Wing, and Bloke. Truly not what the creation of Northstar was meant to intend, but as time went on the world of superheroes finally became more accepting.

New age writers saw the error in the ways of their predecessors and decided to create new heroes that would  not be some snuff gimmick for hate mongers to enjoy. Finally, the true message of Northstar would be portrayed through a new age of heroes. Heroes like Bunker, founding member of the new Teen Titans and a refreshingly light hearted and always optimistic member with powers that rival the Green Lantern. Heroes like Batwoman, one of the most badass members of the Bat family with enough gadgets to rival Batman himself, not to mention the most famous lesbian in current comics. Perhaps the most notable heroes are Wiccan and Hulking of the Young Avengers, two teenaged heroes that said their courage to openly come out as gay heroes was because of Northstar.

Presently in the comics Northstar is still not only a badass but is still changing the comic book universe forever. Currently being one of the mentors of the Jean Grey Institute for Higher Learning, he trains Alpha Squadron, where one of his students, Anole, looks up to Northstar as a role model and the bravest man he ever knew. Northstar is also an active spokesman who spreads awareness of the deadly AIDS virus to educate the world. He made this his mission after he found a helpless baby girl in an alley that was diagnosed with the terminal illness. But perhaps his most ground breaking move yet was when on May 23, 2012 Northstar proposed to his boyfriend Kyle, the first same-sex marriage in comic book history. The wedding is to occur in the next issue of the Astonishing X-men.

So let’s take a recap on the man we have now come to know. Canadian hero and icon in the Olympic Games, founding member of the first Canadian Superhero team Alpha Flight, not only can move at the freaking speed of the Flash and fly, but he also changed comics forever. How many heroes can really say that? Northstar has done so much for comics and the world; he changed a form of entertainment forever, and allowed a door to be open for many gay heroes to come. Some comic book readers have claimed that having Northstar as a role model helped them come to terms with being gay themselves. Northstar is a true hero and has saved real people, no matter how badass I say Aquaman, Robin, or even Ant-Man is, no one can compare to light given off by Jean-Paul Beaubier.

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