
Municipal Elections, Mayoral Debate and a Conference

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello beautiful people,

There are three things I’d like to pass on from the Federation of Students this week.

The first is that this is an election year for municipal governments across Ontario. Students hold a lot of power in these elections since we are such a large group, and municipal policies, like housing standards/licensing and by-laws, have such a huge impact on us. Even if you don’t consider Waterloo “home”, you are still entitled to vote in the Waterloo elections if you meet three criteria: 1. you must be over the age of 18, 2. you must be a Canadian Citizen, and 3. you must be a resident of Waterloo. Not only can you vote in Waterloo, you are also entitled to vote in your permanent home in a different municipality. For more details about proper ID and voting locations, check out Voting day is October 25th, but there are a number of advance polling locations before that.

Continuing off from the first point, the FedS will be hosting a mayoral debate in the V1 Great Hall on October 20th at 7:30pm. The four mayoral candidates are all expected to attend. There will be a Q&A session so make sure you bring your questions. This isn’t just for first-years, it’s for everyone! I strongly encourage all of you to come out and find out more about each candidate. Better yet, you could win a free iPad by attending. Find out more details at Make an informed choice!

Finally, the Vice President Education of the Federation, Nick Soave, is currently accepting applicants to attend the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance (OUSA) General Assembly in November. For those of you who don’t know, OUSA is the provincial lobby group which advocates for educational issues on a provincial level. It is your voice to MPPs. The General Assembly has two main goals: first, it’s a chance to hold OUSA and its steering committee accountable for their actions; second, it’s a forum that policies and advocacy priorities are debated upon and or approved. If you are interested, check out for more details. If you have any questions, contact Nick Applications are due October 15, 2010!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to give myself or any of the other Engineering Councillors a shout. My e-mail is


Trevor Jenkins 1/4 Engineering Councillors.

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