
A Word of Clarity on the European Travel Advisory

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

As of October 6th, Canada, the United States, Great Britain, Japan and Sweden had all issued travel advisories recommending increased caution while visiting mainland Europe. The advisories have left many people confused and suspicious. Although the basis for the advisories remains vague, and specific target countries have not been stated, recent Western security experts are concerned of a terrorist plot aimed at a high profile European target, most likely in France, Great Britain or Germany.
The basis of the advisories can be attributed to reports that Osama bin Laden himself is believed to be masterminding a plot involving high profile European targets. Such an attack could be high profile and of a large scale.
The main message of the reports is not aimed at discouraging travel to the area, but instead to increase vigilance among citizens visiting Europe. The specifics of the statement from Foreign Affairs Canada read, ‘Canadians should be aware of their surroundings at all times, monitor local news reports, follow the advice of local authorities, and take appropriate steps to ensure their personal security.’
More specifically, the advisory suggests that citizens remain extra vigilant while visiting high profile destinations or while utilizing public transportation, mainly because these are often the targets of terrorist attacks. Many security experts have been saying that the attacks will be similar in scale and target to those that occurred in Mumbai in November of 2008.
This being said, the advisory does not indicate such attacks are inevitable, but instead suggests the probability of one occurring now is more significant than it has been for a while. Cancelling travel plans would be foolish, but dismissing the advisory as a joke based on fear mongering would also be unwise. Travelling always has its risks, regardless of where you are going or the advisories in place, but we can’t lock ourselves in our homes because of such threats. If you’re planning to go to Europe anytime soon do not make any changes, just do what any smart traveller would do; carry some ID, listen to the news, and be vigilant.

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