Ever wonder what really happens while you’re away? Here are the major life-changing events that happened last term:
Bomber Patio Expansion Completed:
The Bombshelter patio expansion was completed for the first Wednesday night of the fall term, but unfortunately the extra area on the patio had to be blocked off as the paperwork for the extension to the liquor license had not been submitted by the University administration.
Microsoft mistakes:
The Engineering Society A organized a forum about the Microsoft partnership announcement that the University made after final exams in the summer term. The most controversial part of the partnership was a donation to support UW to integrate C# into E&CE 150. The daily bulletin estimated that 125 people attended this forum. During this forum, students were assured that the integration of C# will go through the normal approval procedures.
Sedra will be the next Dean of Engineering:
Adel Sedra, who may be best known by students as the author of ‘Microelectronic Circuits’, will be the new Dean of Engineering – starting this July. He was the vice-president and provost at the University of Toronto for nine years.
Engineering Students take half of the President’s Circle for Volunteerism Awards:
Jeff DeLoyde in Environmental Civil, Sara Ehrhardt and Scott Griffiths both in Systems Design, John Vellone in Electrical Engineering and Amir Zaheer in Mechanical Engineering were all honoured in December for their volunteer efforts both on and off-campus.
Longest Serving Prof Retires:
The longest-serving Prof at the University of Waterloo, Prof P. Roe of the Department of Systems Design, retired October 1st. Prof. Roe was one of the founders of the Department of Systems Design. He said that he plans on continuing writing papers and teaching on a sessional basis.
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