
Thank You, Iron Warrior

I signed up for the Iron Warrior’s mailing list during frosh week, never imagining that the newspaper would become so important to me. From the hours spent researching articles, to the late nights spent on layout, to the talented people I’ve met and the memories we’ve shared, the newspaper has been a huge part of my life. It’s my baby.

I distinctly remember the night of the 2016 American election, when it became apparent that Donald Trump had won. I remember the pride I felt unboxing the first issue I published as Editor-in-Chief. I remember the hours spent compiling the Tin Soldier, when we were so tired and stressed that everything seemed funny. I have so many fond memories, and I have so much to be grateful for.

I am grateful to the Iron Warrior for the friends I’ve made.

Maybe the newspaper attracts a certain type of person, or maybe the long hours have made us close. Regardless, I have always had a strong connection with the other members. We can spend hours discussing any number of topics, including politics and artificial intelligence and Lord of the Rings. Good conversations, late nights, and shared purpose make for amazing friendships.

I am grateful to the Iron Warrior for giving me a safe space to grow.

I was a regular contributor throughout 1A and 1B, writing one article per issue. While I had a distinct writing voice, I was pretty quiet as a person. I sat in the corner of the room during meetings and hardly venturing to speak up. My opinions only came out on paper.

As Editor-in-Chief in 2A, I had a lot of responsibilities, filling an administrative role in addition to writing, editing, and layout. I ran meetings, sent emails, contacted advertisers, and balanced the budget. I was forced to leave my comfort zone, interacting with people I didn’t know. I slowly broke out of my shell.

In addition, I had the opportunity to write an editorial, or “Rant from the Editor” as I referred to it. This was my own space, my own 1500 words to discuss anything on my mind. This freedom allowed me to explore my own opinions. I discovered what was important to me, and what social and global issues I was passionate about.

This freedom allowed me to develop my writing voice.

I am grateful to the Iron Warrior for giving me a pastime outside of ECE.

In 4A, I decided to take a step back from the newspaper. As I had dedicated so much time and effort over the years, I was expected to continue to do so. I had been laying out the paper and writing last-minute articles, essentially filling the role of the assistant editor without the title. I wanted to let the younger students step up, and give myself a break. And I became noticeably more stressed.

Writing is a de-stress for me.

Over the years, whether I am writing an opinion piece, a news piece, or the Trump update – my column is called “Damnit Donald” – the newspaper has been my creative outlet, and my break from engineering. It has kept me sane and improved my performance in school.

I am grateful to the Iron Warrior for so many things, but I will stop there. I wish all the best to my fellow IW contributors, and to my readers.

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