
Star Wars Episode MMXVIII.8 A New Month


As we head into our last couple weeks of class, I hope we’re all doing well! These past two weeks have been a marathon of events and activities for the Engineering Society, and I took this Canada Day Long Weekend as an opportunity to celebrate… with my laptop, four textbooks, and all the studying I’ve been neglecting for my Presidential Duties.

Looking forward into the future, we’re happy to announce several resolutions of our Joint Annual General Meeting! Firstly, the UWaterloo EngiQueers are officially a Society Affiliate!! We’ve also passed several society stances pertaining to classes and orientation week. Lastly, after serious discussion on the use of rankings within the faculty of engineering, the engineering Dean’s List calculations, and competition based marking schemes in classes, the Waterloo Engineering Society adopted a stance on reducing causes of unnecessary competition within the Faculty of Engineering.

I’m excited to share with you all the Waterloo Engineering Society’s Charity Purpling Initiative. Join us on July 13th, Engineering Day, with the Tool, fun activities, and Dyeing your Exec Purple for Charity!!! Currently we’ve raised $1055/3000!! www.gofundme.com/bsoc-exec-gets-purple. All funds go to The Trevor Project, crisis intervention, and suicide prevention services for LGBTQ+ youth.

Commissioner Applications Are Open!! Want to get more involved in the Engineering Society? Have a passion for events, services, advertising, mental health, or policy? There are several different positions and the apps are open now! bit.ly/CommissionersW19

I’m delighted to have Julia Reinstein as the Spring 2018 Chief Feedback Officer. She will be collecting feedback on the Engineering Society Executive and the events conducted throughout the term. There are many ways you can provide feedback, including our new feedback form; bit.ly/FeedbackS18. If you have any questions or want to explore other feedback avenues, you can reach out to Julia at cfo.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca.

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