
Star Wars Episode MMXVIII.75 The Gay Awakens  

I hope all of you who had midterm week have emerged relatively unscathed, and those of you still in the thick of midterm season keep good spirits. I wish you the best of luck! In the aftermath of the tsunami of midterms, we continue bright and hopeful into the second half of the semester.

The Joint Annual General Meeting – June 23 6pm 2018 – ALL ENGINEERING STUDENTS ARE WELCOME!! (Free Food!)

Topics of Interest:

  1. UWaterloo EngiQueers Affiliate
  2. Board of Directors Restructuring
  3. Friend of the Society Award
  4. Orientation Week Stance
  5. Sponsorship Adjustment
  6. Dean’s List Alternative System

The Deans List Motion recognizes the competitive nature of the current qualification system to achieve Dean’s List status and requests the Engineering Society to propose possible alternatives that remove this unnecessary competition, as every other faculty’s Dean’s List determines entry on flat mark. Board of Directors restructuring looks at greater involvement from the Engineering Councillors and looks into policy loopholes and focuses on equal A and B Society representation. Full content on all agenda items can be found at bit.ly/JAGM2018.

The motion I’m most excited for in this General Meeting is the UWaterloo EngiQueers motion “It’s 20GAYteen Y’all” [Uwaterloo EngiQueers Affiliate].  This motion presents something we’ve been working towards for a long time – a self-governing and self-sustaining group who continues to receive financial support from the Engineering Society.  This is a model that has worked excellently for affiliate groups The Iron Warrior and With Respect to Time. It also sets up EngiQueers as the Official Society Representative of the Waterloo Engineering Society to the EngiQueers Canada organization. Come out and see history made, (and eat free food!)

Other opportunities to be more involved with the Engineering LGBTQ+ community include attending Toronto Pride! Hurry to get your tickets for the bus, they can be purchased for $20 in the EngSoc Office, CPH 1327.  You can walk with me and The Ridgid Tool in the Toronto Pride Parade!  See you all then!

I’m always happy to work with Julia Reinstein as the Spring 2018 Chief Feedback Officer. She will be collecting feedback on the Engineering Society Executive and the events conducted throughout the term. There are many ways you can provide feedback, including our new feedback form; bit.ly/FeedbackS18If you have any questions or want to explore other feedback avenues, you can reach out to Julia at cfo.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca.

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