EngSoc, Events

Liam and Michael

Liam and Michael bring a wealth of experience to a possible executive team. If elected, Liam will be serving in Spring 2018 (during his 4A term) and Michael will be serving in Winter 2019 (during his 4B term). We are both very excited to run and at the possibility of serving BSoc for the upcoming terms.

Our main platform points relate to some important facets of student life: POETS and Student Deals, and Events. First, we want POETS Managers to be involved with events again. We will be looking at integrating POETS with upper-year oriented events to facilitate socialization in POETS at the end of the week, running Frosh Fridays in POETS, and working with Mental Health directors to run Mental Health-oriented events in POETS.

Next, we want to update the Society’s approach to Student Deals. Student Deals has tended to fall through the cracks a bit, so we want to begin by holding current deal-holders accountable. We also want to focus our search for deals where we can most benefit the student population (surveys!), and we will revisit and potentially update the contracts we use to better protect the society.

Finally, of the big items on our docket, we want to introduce a Run-Your-Own-Event which will operate a lot like FEDs’ club creation. If you bring us a proposal, with student interest, there will be money set aside each term so that good proposals can earn up to 50$ towards running an event. This could mean free (to you) food and drink, marketing, and more!

Other ideas that we have include workshops for EngSoc financial literacy, overhauling P**5, and rethinking the way that we give Student Teams money. Thanks for tuning in, we’re super excited to talk to you all about our platforms, so if you see us around, ask us anything!

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