
CECA ’Wat Are You Doing’ This Term For WaterlooWorks?

Engineering fam! It’s great to be back writing again for the Iron Warrior! I hope you all had very fulfilling and meaningful summer co-ops, and hope you’re all both ready and excited for another term of job hunting. To the first year audience: if you’re four-stream I wish you the best of luck in your first set of job applications!

Some of you may remember, last Winter, I ran a survey for the undergraduate engineering population on student opinion of WaterlooWorks (https://tinyurl.com/WWSurveyResults), the new replacement for JobMine (#RipJobMine2k16).

To briefly summarize, I asked a few ‘Likert Scale’ questions, as well as some open-ended questions to come up with a list of actionable items and feature requests for the new system, based on your feedback (https://tinyurl.com/WWActionableItems).

Another survey was administered to students belonging to all faculties in the Spring term by my A-Soc counterpart: Patricia, which built on the Winter survey. CECA has now adopted this survey (from the Spring term), as their official way of attaining student feedback, and may be found on WaterlooWorks itself. Neat!

In an effort to become more transparent with regards to changes to the system, CECA has created a page to track the progress on feedback suggested through our survey, and others like it (https://tinyurl.com/WWSurveyFeedback). From here, you can view a variety of issues raised by students for the system, with a corresponding status ranging from:

1) Partially-implemented
2) Additional changes not planned at this time
3) In progress
4) Under review
5) For future consideration
6) Need additional experience & then will re-assess priority

Furthermore, CECA now features an “Implemented Changes” page (https://tinyurl.com/WWChanges), detailing changes made to the software. This will be useful in keeping track of what’s new this term for WaterlooWorks.

In the Winter, in my third Iron Warrior article, I wrote about the importance of giving feedback and making your voice heard. It’s nice to see the implications of student-driven feedback come full circle with WaterlooWorks during my tenure.

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns about WaterlooWorks, the co-op process, academics, Smashing Pumpkins (yes I’m serious), or just want to chat – please don’t hesitate to contact me at vpacademic.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca, or find me in the orifice at CPH 1327.

Cheers everyone! Best of luck with the job application process!

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