
What is a VP Communications? And Other Questions.

Hi there, reader! I’m Melissa Buckley, the current Vice President Communications for the Waterloo Engineering Society ‘B’ (which is your Society, if you are on term while you’re reading this!). I’m in my 3A term of Chemical Engineering, and I’ve recently invested in my leather jacket, so you could say I am pretty serious about this Engineering thing now.

The Vice President Communications position came about after the Council restructure last year, and includes much of the former Vice President External Portfolio. The bulk of my position breaks down into 2 simple categories: Internal Communication and External Representation.

Internal Communication: I oversee all the communications that you receive from EngSoc and try to keep you as updated as possible on events and services from us and our affiliates, as well as the Council low-down. At the end of the day, I want you to receive the EngSoc communications that matter to you in a timely and consistent manner. To do this, I want to go right to the source (that’s you!) to know what you like and don’t like, and how you want to receive our updates. Please stay tuned for a survey to come out later this term asking just that, and help me to help you to help EngSoc to help you.

External Representation: This is bringing a delegation to represent the Waterloo Engineering Society ‘B’ at engineering conferences and exercising Waterloo B’s vote at Plenary (fancy council meetings). Did you know, that our Engineering Society is a member of 2 larger engineering student society organizations? They are the Engineering Student Societies’ Council of Ontario (ESSCO) and the Canadian Federation of Engineering Students (CFES), and they facilitate the sharing of best practices for engineering schools across the province (ESSCO) and country (CFES)! I promise it’s exciting stuff. Conferences are a great way for you to develop professional and leadership skills, network with other students and employers, and bring back ideas to our Engineering Society!

Ultimately, our executive team and Engineering Society exists to serve you the students, and we want you to hold us accountable. This term, you will be able to see our goals and progress on the board outside the Engineering Society Office (The ‘Orifice’ – CPH 1307) and hear our Executive updates at Engineering Society meetings, through blog posts and here (thanks, Iron Warrior!). If you have questions for our team, you should be able to find one of us in the Orifice time. If you’re looking for me, I’ll be there Tuesdays from 12:30pm – 4:30pm and I spend the rest of my time in DWE as Chems do. You can also send me an email any time at vpcomm.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca. Looks like that’s my word count. Thanks for reading!

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