
President: Time for another update

Hello Everyone! I hope midterms went well! This is going to be a short update since school has been pretty crazy for the past two weeks.

Joint Annual General Meeting (JAGM)

Our Annual JAGM is coming up THIS SUNDAY JUNE 26TH AT 11am! Every EngSoc member has a vote, so make sure to come out and voice your opinions. We will be voting on a number of exciting constitutional changes, including a new Council structure. All of the motions and the CRC report can be found on the EngSoc website at engsoc.uwaterloo.ca!

Mental Health

I have been working with Fiona Dhanapala to investigate implementing weekly group sessions, each with a different topic surrounding mental health and wellness. This would start in the fall and would be running alongside the weekly stress management workshops that will be starting up in the next week.

The Committee of Society Presidents met two weeks ago, and I brought forward the idea of collaborating with the other societies across campus to write an open letter from the undergraduate student body with our stance on the counselling resources on campus. I will be working on writing this, and sending it around to all of the other societies’ councils for their approval.

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to email me at president.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca!

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