

Hello again, and welcome to the second last issue of the Iron Warrior of the term! I’m sure everyone’s busy wrapping up the term, so I’ll keep this update short and sweet.

Career Fair

Two weeks ago, we held EngSoc’s third ever career fair, in E5. We had 9 employers and about 250 students at the event. At the beginning of the term, I had set a goal of having 12 employers, and 250 students. While we didn’t meet both goals, I’m happy with how many employers were interested in returning for our next career fair in the Fall. I’d like to give a shout out to Channa Potter and Eric Shi, who were two phenomenal directors, and helped make this term’s career fair the best  that EngSoc has run so far.


As this term winds down, we’re starting to look for our Fall 2016 directors. The Student Services Commissioner (SSC) position will remain under the VP Education portfolio the same way it was this term. If you have an idea for a workshop you’d like to see run, or want to run one yourself, just send me an email or stop by the Orifice. If it’s something that other engineering students would find useful/interesting, I’ll do my best to make it happen for the Fall term.

Course Critiques

By now, you should have completed your course critiques for the term. As you’ve hopefully noticed, the faculty moved them online while keeping the questions the same as past terms. Because it’s a new system, both EngSoc and the Faculty would love to get student feedback. If you have any comments on how either the questions are worded, or how the critiques were sent out, please send me an email at vpeducation.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca

Wrap up

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of the directors and commissioners for the Society this term. Without you, we would not be able to offer the events and services that we do. To those of you who are looking to get further involved, I encourage you to apply for a directorship, (and read Adelle’s article.) Good luck on exams, and I’ll be back for one more issue before the term ends.

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