
WEEF Proposals Are Open!

WEEF proposals are being accepted for the Winter 2016 term until March 2. All students (including from the school of Architecture) staff, and faculty members can submit proposals. All proposals will be considered, provided that they benefit undergraduate engineering education at UW. Elected student representatives from each class will come together on March 8 and 9 to hear all of the WEEF proposal presentations. WEEF funding is typically used for lab equipment, educational resources, and general supplies with the ultimate goal of improving undergraduate engineering.

To learn more about how to submit a proposal, visit http://www.weef.uwaterloo.ca/funding where you will find detailed information about the mission and vision of WEEF, as well as a step by step guide on how to create a proposal.

If you would like to learn more about how WEEF allocates funds or would like to learn more about some projects WEEF has supported, get in touch with us at weef@uwaterloo.ca.

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