
Presidential Report

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Dear Students,

I have been reading the Engineering Society satisfaction surveys that most engineering students filled out, and I would have to say that it’s really helping. Most of you probably thought as you filled it out “What is the point of this,” “I can’t answer this,” or “I don’t know what they do.” This is exactly what I want to know! This is what is helping.

Many students have written that we need to improve our advertising, inclusivity, and our image. I’m trying to drastically improve this. Owen Coutts, the EngSoc Speaker, and I decided to do an overhaul on the organization of council meetings and they are slowly improving. We have some ideas to improve our advertising, and I feel as though we’ve done a great job improving our image towards other faculties (one of my goals for the term). Now I think I need to concentrate on improving the image internally.

Another point I noticed in the surveys was the comment that “EngSoc needs to run less drinking focused events.” This comment was written numerous times. This is actually very untrue, as EngSoc runs no drinking focused events at all, and I feel as though many students are confusing us with the Graduation Committee (GradComm). To clear things up I’m going to layout some differences between the two:


The Engineering Society mandate is to:

Officially represents the interests of, and advocate on behalf of all Waterloo engineering students to the faculty, university and beyond.

Provide services to the students to improve student life, both socially and academically.


-Semi Formal

-Waterloo Engineering Competition

-Genius Bowl Trivia Competition

-Engineering Talent Show (TalEng)

-Engineering Play (EngPlay)


-Coffee & Donut Shop (C&D)

-Exam Bank

-Report Binding

-Resume Critiques


The Graduation Committee mandate is to:

Fundraise money in order to host graduating class events, including the Iron Ring Stag and GradBall.

Provide an avenue for lower years to meet upper year and graduating students


-Pub Crawls

-Brick Brewery Tours


-Special Bus Trips



-Pizza Sales at Lunch

-50/50 Draws

-Yearbook design

-Graduation Photographer

If you have any questions about how GradComm is run, or have any suggestions for the committee, don’t hesitate to email the GradComm chairs (Noel McGregor, Kirsten Hoedlmoser, Nadine Ferguson, and Jessica Friesen) at gradcomm2011@gmail.com.



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